Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Segovia & Flamenco

My last excursion! How has the past three months just flown by? I remember thinking that I would have all the time in the world to do everything that I wanted. No I feel like I'm grasping for straws. I have loved my study abroad! I'll make a post dedicated to expressing my feelings about that later, but let me first talk about Segovia. We didn't have a ton of time to explore as Dr. Martinsen's kids were all sick. His wife, Jamie, stayed home, and he came with us. We saw two main places within Segovia. The first was the aqueduct. It's hard to miss since the aqueducts are HUGE and they surround the city. The Romans built them , and used them to transport water into the city. You can still find them in Rome as well! It is amazing how long these structures have been standing. It amazes me how far advanced the Romans were. The other place we visited was the Alcazar of Segovia. It was one of the main homes for Isabel and Fernand (Reyes Catolicos), as well as their grandson, Carlos I. It is said that the throne room is where Christopher Columbus knelt and received approval to travel to America. The Alcazar is very lavish, as it was a castle for the kings and queens of Spain. From the rooms that we saw, the Royal Palace of Madrid was definitely designed after this castle. My favorite part was the throne room--that's an amazing part of history that happened there! I also loved the designs of the ceilings, as each one is difference and usually very beautiful. The alcazar wasn't super big, but the Reyes of Spain have castles scattered throughout Spain. While is Segovia, we had a traditional dinner, which included part of a roasted pig. Luckily mine didn't have a foot attached! But, the meat was super yummy, even though it was hard looking at the tail...!

We got to attend a traditional Flamenco show this week as well! It was about an hour long, and I was so impressed by what we saw! There was five different dancers, and each one was beautiful. I can't believe how fast that they can move their feet! It is a very beautiful and complex dance. I didn't realize that almost every dance includes singing, clapping, and stomping. It was incredible!

Tomorrow I pack up to head home! If it wasn't the evening after finals (and almost 2 am), I would write a huge long paragraph about how much I have loved my time here. You'll just have to wait until I get home! :)

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Segovia & Flamenco

My last excursion! How has the past three months just flown by? I remember thinking that I would have all the time in the world to do everyt...